Red Letter Day

Friday, December 09, 2005

Merry Holidays!

You know Christmas? The most popular holiday in America? The one almost universally observed by both the secular and religious? The single event which drives half of our economy?

You know, that one.

I didn't actually know this, but apparently, Christmas is barely hanging on, reeling from a continued assault by various liberal groups such as the ACLU who want to ban Christmas and force everyone to become a gay boy scout who celebrates Kwanzaa. That may be why almost nobody observes Christmas anymore, and why there's almost no mention of the holiday in the media, or the shopping malls.

Anyway, as a Christian warrior, you might enjoy Something Awful's great take on the whole idea that the evul lib-er-uls are out to destroy Christmas:

The popularity of Gibson and O'Reilly's anti-Christmas meme has proven once again that Christians love martyrs, especially when they can see themselves on the cross.

Incidentally, after doing some more research, I found out that there are some large, influential organizations which are choosing to ignore Christmas this year.


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