Red Letter Day

Monday, March 06, 2006


In the Supreme Court equivalent of a rout, an association of law schools lost a decision today by the Supreme Court in a case where they challenged the constitutionality of the Solomon Amendment.

In brief, the Solomon Amendment states that colleges that receive federal funding must allow military recruiters on campus. The law schools argued that this law violated their right of free speech by compelling them to permit an organization which discriminates against gays and lesbians aceess to their campuses.

Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg didn't sign on to this one. As repugnant (and harmful to national security) as the Defense Department's anti-gay policy is, it is still the current law and if you take Uncle Sam's money, you have to follow his laws, no matter how ridiculous they are.

Laws schools which oppose the anti-gay policy ought to invite an organization like the Sevicemembers' Legal Defense Network to set up a table next to any military recruiter that comes on campus, and to counter the "speech" of recruiters with "more speech."


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