Red Letter Day

Thursday, May 26, 2005

It's not a "gulag"

There's some legitimate issues surrounding the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, and having the bright light of human rights groups shining on Gitmo probably helps keep us honest. And yes, we are held to a higher standard then third-world dictatorships, and we should be, because we are the United States, not Iran.

However, Amnesty International is guilty of extreme hyperbole at best and outright lying at worst when it compares Guantanamo Bay to Soviet gulags -- where millions of civilians were "dissapeared" for their political views. The comparison is offensive and factually wrong, the same way that PETA's comparison of eating meat to the Holocaust is offensive and wrong.

Something can be bad, and worth condemning on its own, without having to be compared with Nazis or gulags or anything else extreme just to get peoples' attention.


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