Red Letter Day

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Second verse, same as the first

The Lawrence City Commission general electrion saw the same top three finishers as the primary last month, in the exact same order. This means the of the three candidates I supported, only Boog made the cut. These results are good news for those who think Lawrence needs a couple additional Wal Marts and a few more empty apartment complexes and strip malls. I can almost feel those price rollbacks!

On a more serious note, this places the future of the domestic partner registry in the air. The city is still waiting for an opinion (due later this month) from the attorney general on whether such a registry would be legal in Kansas. At this point, I would say -- if I were a betting man -- that whichever way the AG comes down will be how the domestic regsitry will go. If he gives a thumbs up, I expect the registry to pass by at least a 3-2 vote; if the AG says the registry would be unconstitutional, I don't think it will even come up for a vote and as such would die. I guess we will have to wait and see what the attorney general says; hopefully he will help put some wind on the back of the DP registry and Lawrence will see this thing come to light.

Then, of course, registered same-sex couples can happily shop at the new Wal-Mart!

UPDATE: A good discussion with Diane over on her blog about strategy with the new city commission

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