Red Letter Day

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


If you want to read some great hyperventilating by conservatives over the Miers nominations, then check out this thread over at the Volokh Conspiracy blog. Volokh (which is non-partisan and libertarian-minded) generally attracts a more intellectual crowd then most partisan conservative blogs, but even so, the comments are amusing, with an apparently serious discussion of whether Miers' nomination counts as "treason" or if not treason, at least an impeachable offense.

From all accounts Miers seems to be a underqualified (but NOT unqualified) potential jurist with moderate to conservative views. She's certainly personally pro-life, although that doesn't appear to count for much by the foaming-at-the-mouth righties, who seem disappointed that she hasn't personally poured butyric acid into a clinic's ventilation system. She also had the nerve to say that gay people should have the same civil rights as other Americans (a radical view apparently even held by Jerry Falwell).

Hey, it's not too late to re-nominate Bork again. This guy would certainly approve.


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