Red Letter Day

Monday, April 03, 2006

Flight 93

I'd like to see it too. But I might prefer to wait for DVD. The problem is that the theater will be full of people who will cheer when the planes hit the towers.

I don't think this will happen -- not anywhere, even in Berkeley. It's too stark and horrifying. Even seeing the previews in the theater this past weekend gives chills. The crowd -- which has been chattering and laughing, as crowds do during previews -- went dead silent.

Someone who is "objectively pro-terrorist" isn't going to pay to see this movie any more then an anti-gay zealot would have actually bothered to view Brokeback Mountain before complaining about it.

There might be an isolated incident somewhere, but I think anyone can safely see this movie at any theater of their choice and be confident that they will have a shared emotional experience with their fellow moviegoers that is representative of the horror of that day.


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